Life is filled with so much hussle and bustle... we have to get to this practice, that appointment, her rehearsal, their performance my meeting, and 15 other things in between. But honestly, when it all boils down to it, we have to ask ourselves what really matters. What are the moments you'll cherish forever?
When I look back on my childhood 2 sets of memories stand out, the ones filled with joy and the ones filled with hurt. I'm grateful my moments of love, joy, and happiness vastly out weigh the times of sadness and pain. As a parent, I want my children to have the same hindsight. I know that I am busy and so are my children, but I refuse to allow that to hinder our moments of happiness.
I believe as a parent, you must remember a few important things.
1.) Special moments don't have to involve alot of money or planning. Sometimes it is just as simple as cuddling, playing jump rope, or enjoying a cup of cocoa together. My children love backyard camping, picnics, family game night, watching movies, singing, and a host of other inexpensive moment building activities.
2.) Don't let the stress of the busy life you chose, become a stress on your relationship with your children. I have to remind myself of that when I'm behind or running late... it's not my children's fault (well, not all the time). Sometimes, I didn't plan wisely, I packed my schedule leaving only tiny gaps for transitions, I didn't take into account that it simply takes children longer. Whatever it is, I have to remember to breathe and talk to my children. Help them understand the source of my anxiety and that it is not them. They will remember that they had a busy mom but will they remember her being fussy and angry OR patient and flexible.
3.) Listen to your children. They will offer special moments to you all the time, don't be too busy to notice. One day Xavier and I created an "Xbox" together out of cardboard because he took a joke I made and ran with it. Janee helped me pick greens for Thanksgiving dinner. That moment could have been a "Get the baby. She's making a mess" moment. But it turned out she only wanted to help and she had an enjoyable time. Even teens, who may seem to care less about QT, crave it and ask for it in the strangest of ways. Listen to the babblings for your wouldbe adult.
The important thing to remember is that they will not be babies forever. Ask any empty nester. They grow up, they move out, they begin families of their own and create new memories. Let their foundation be one of memories with you. Moments of love, peace, and happiness. In turn, you will have your own set of memories... I know I could not ask for more.