So, this weekend (like many weekends) I told the kids, on Saturday we are going to do something. Now, I say "something" to give myself some wiggle room. I actually have no idea at the time what we are doing, but I know that I must spend some quality time with my kiddos for their sake and mine. **side note: I spent QT with the hubby on Friday which is equally important... ANYWHO... So, what followed was a lot of brainstorming about what to do with the kiddos. Mind you it must be low budget and low key. That was the inspiration for this post.
So, with that said, I've compiled a list of my favorite fun and expensive QT activities.
1) backyard camping- all you need is a yard, a tent, and bedding. If you don't own tent, borrow from a friend or family. While you are out there you can star gaze. You can use apps like Sky Guide to point out constellations ( if you are like me you don't know Orion from Uranus).
2) in home centers- this is great when you have several kids, though it would work with one. I set up various centers like computers, art, building, and writing. They get a set amount of time, say 15 min, per center. It works well when you have limited supplies and everyone gets a turn.
3) bike riding- this is a family favorite. You can bike to a destination like the park or the beach or you can just bike for the fun of it.
4) the beach- this one is definitely location driven. For us down here in southern Florida, this is an easy go to outing. And if you are lucky your only expense will be sunblock.
5) an at home movie night- Netflix and Red Box have made movie night convent and relatively cheap. Pop some corn and enjoy hot cocoa to make it a special night.
6) game night- Break out the board games or make up some of your own. Playing games helps teach sportsmanship and strategizing.
7) dance party- You can YouTube JustDance if you don't have the video game. Kids have fun just dancing along. It's an awesome workout and a good time.
8) whine and painting- Well, if your children are critics of their artwork like mine are, you'll definitely have some "whine". However, it can be quite fun once they get going. Give them tips. Watch a YouTube how to video. You don't have to be an expert. You'll still be encouraging creativity.
9) in home obstacle course- chairs, tables, stools... under, over, around, and through. You'll work on motor skills, burn some energy, and have a blast in the process.
10) makeshift Legos- I save crystal light canisters and toilet paper rolls. My kids love building and creating with them. I love them because they are free and really easy to clean up.
11) water play- Buckets, water guns, a water hose, water balloons, a slip and slide... It's all fun and games when water is involved.
12) bake something- it's especially awesome when you can turn it over to the kids. Let them measure, count, sift, and mix. They will learn so much in the process and the results are delicious.
13) nature walk- Take a walk outdoors. You don't have to end up in the woods. Just walk along the trees. Look for bugs, plant life, and creatures.
14) story time at grandma's- My mom was born in the 1930's and trust me, she has stories to tell. My children learn so much culture and family history. It may not be the most action packed night, but it's well worth it.
15) experiment- make goop, mix baking soda and vinegar, explore static electricity with balloons. Bring out the inner scientist in your kiddos.
16) make a book- My children I write personal books with photos as the illustrations. We also made a book where the children took turns adding to the story. It sparks their creativity and is a reading motivator.
17) indoor fort- sheets and blankets still make fantastic forts. Help out them up. Play in them. Your kids will appreciate you coming into their world.
18) play spa- The spa is not just for the girls. The boys can give and receive massages. (It will be great practice for when they become hubbies)
19) go shopping at the dollar tree- tell each child they can have 1 or 2 items of their choosing. They won't break the bank, they'll learn to make choices, and they'll learn money management skills if you allow them to pay at the register.
20) play outside- get out there and just play. You need the sunshine, fresh air, and exercise. Play frisbee, basketball, jumprope or hop scotch. It doesn't matter. Enjoy the time with your kids.
And honestly, it doesn't matter what you do with your kids as long as you're having fun enjoying each other's company.